Well, Google Adsense was easy money, no one disagrees, but there are a few lessons which I learnt out of all this scenario.
Wil share a few out of them here, let me know what’s your view about it.
1. Don’t blog for Ads
That’s right! don’t just blog to get traffic and then to get ads. You know what its like? Read this post: What does blogging for ADS sounds like
So never ever “work” for ads! there are better things to do in life (and with your traffic)
(working for ads doesn’t mean not having ads on your site, think, there’s a difference)
2. Give Value to the world
Give something valuable to the world and your blog visitors, seriously. And no, compiling news from here and there is not giving value! at all! Get unique and good quality content, not only rewrites.
3. Give equal time to your profession / skill
I’ve seen people who’re full time bloggers. Yes you might have seen too, also those who’re bloggers for ads only.
Ever heard of stories of people who left their day job for blogging? you did! hundreds do so.
But did you hear those stories when they found out that it was the worst decision they made in their life?
After a few years, they’re no more. Someone either excelled more in their niche or what they wrote became old and outdated. Either way, it was all good when it was active, but dead soon . . .
So give your profession and skill set some time too. Daily, like you give time to blogging. Because in the long run, you’ll be more skilled and respected in your profession that way.
4. No one cares what happens with you
Visitors and the world is not your grand ma, they have alot of other things to deal with. So stop expecting them to help you themselves.
Steve Jobs died right? are you still weeping? or you didn’t even care? like people didn’t care when the creator of unix died in the same days when Steve did, and no one even bothered to notice.
5. Live Your life – 1 day at a time
I’ve read people saying today that they lost 6 months income in adsense once their account got blocked, well it’s their fault for considering adsense as a bank account though! but anyway, they lost it.
Other than that, whoever lost their account, lost 1.5 months income. 45 days! thats right. Did you live those 45 days?
How many memories do you have in life? just start counting them right now, I bet they’re less than 45, amazing one, which you call the experience of your life time.
Just imagine if you spent these 45 days gaining 45 more experiences, 1 every day . . .
So stop being a robot, live your life. Do work, hard work, alot of work, but live your life too.