So you have been trying to find the privacy settings for your facebook photo album like me? the new facebook layout is bit different and complicated from the previous one.
To change the photos privacy settings like making them visible to all the people, to friends only, friends of friends, or yourself only, you need to follow these instructions.
1. Login to your facebook account
2.Goto privacy settings
Goto top right menu and click on privacy settings to get to the photo albums settings on facebook.
3. Customize facebook privacy settings:
Once on the privacy privacy settings page. You will see settings for various things. At the bottom of that page you will see customize settings.
4. Edit facebook photo album privacy settings
Once you are on the customize settings page, now you need to customize the pictures and images settings for facebook photo albums to show or hide them from the public or not. To achieve this, on that customize facebook settings page, click on Edit album privacy for existing photos.
5. Edit individual albums settings
Now you are on the albums privacy settings page with the list of all your facebook photo albums.
Hopefully now you have changed your facebook photo albums privacy settings upto your requirements.
Wow, this gets popular fast!
I have public album, but I want to make some of the pictures visible to some users only. It does not seem possible. Does that mean I need to make 2 albums: one public, one private even if it is the same event ?
yes, you can’t set privacy on individual pictures, you can configure of the albums only