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BlackHatWorld suspended website account + Database error

Although i am not a regular visitor to this forum based website named, but used to visit it some times for various purposes (no not for black hat stuff, as there was almost no black hat stuff there, all kids just sharing random stuff) today i found out that their account has been suspended!

Maybe they have been suspended due to violation of terms and service of the host? or maybe because they were using / selling illegal scripts or unlicensed stuff, or at last it could also be that they forgot to pay their hosting fee ? (most unlikely though)

Anyhow, it’s strange to find out that they were providing the place for black hat hackers (so called atleast) and none of them was able to save their own site by any hat? I think they should have researched well before choosing a host! anyway, better luck next time!

In my view, there is only one Hat, and that’s the hacker, either you are a hacker, or you are a script kiddie (google for it if you don’t know it’s meaning) A hacker can be any hat at any needed time. They refer black hats to dangerous ones? well, anyone with deadly knowledge can be dangerous, and any script kiddie with some right tools can be dangerous too some times!

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