There might be situations when you need to carry internet over a large distance. One might ask why would one like to transfer internet over 10km or more? Well there are several reasons! Why would someone transfer internet over 10km There can be many reasons for which someone would like to transfer internet over 10 […]
Protect wp-login.php and wp-comments-post.php on nginx
This is the post in series of making your server 50-90% faster just with few tips, saving your server load, improving page load speed and seo, and also saving lots of $ on upgrading the hosting server. Why to protect wp-login.php and wp-comments-post.php on WordPress? WordPress is an amazing and widely used platform for blogging […]
Free up 90% server resources on Apache WordPress
Aim of this post is to elaborate how to protect your wp-login.php and wp-comments.php on Apache based servers so that you can not only secure them but also free up 50-90% server load. Brute force attacks and bots No matter how much you deny, your WordPress site is constantly under bots and bruteforce attack. The […]
Theme options not showing after WordPress 4.0 update
There have been various changes in WordPress 4.0 (and now WordPress 4.1) and many themes options might have gone from the dashboard for users! Lets see how to get them back. Theme options not available after WordPress 4.0 update When I updated one of my WordPress sites from WP 3.9 to 4.0, the theme options […]
What is CDN (Content Delivery Network)
CDN, an abbreviation of Content Delivery Network, is a need of almost every websites these days. CDN does a simple task, it delivers the content to the users world wide, via their nearest data center. What is a CDN By definition, A content delivery network or CDN is a setup of servers that are distributed […]
W3 Total Cache – Fixing errors
This page is dedicated to fixing w3 total cache errors. It’s full of so many errors that I’ve decided to dedicate one page to list almost all of them so that those who’re searching for it can find some fix. Fixing w3 total cache errors on Nginx Before proceeding, if you’re having w3 total cache […]
APC vs Memcached, which one is best
The debate about the best never ends. Today one might be the best, tomorrow some other one! Same goes with caching plugins too. Today a member asked in our group that which one of the caching plugin is best, APC or Memcached. Before going into detail let me clarify that memcache is different from memcached […]
The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)
This tutorial explain and solves the issue of having error “The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : UNABLE TO FIND END OF CENTRAL DIR RECORD SIGNATURE” while uploading the WordPress plugin file in wp-admin. While trying to install a plugin by uploading it on my WordPress site I received this error: Installing Plugin […]
Enable PHP short tags on nginx and apache
First of all, if you need to turn on short tags on your nginx or apache based server (linux or mac or windows or any other) for just one single tag, please do yourself a favor and change the single <? it to <?php However if you need it turned on for sure, then continue […]
WP BMI – Plugin
We’re happy to announce the release of BMI widget for wordpress plugin Plugin Name: WP BMI Download Link: WP BMI on | WP BMI on github WP BMI widget allows you to show a widget on your WordPress sidebar where you visitors can check their BMI. This widget installed on your blog provide your visitors the option […]