So your blog got approved by buysellads ? Congratulations! Now the first question that comes to many adsense using webmasters is that is buysellads allowed along with adsense. No one likes their adsense banned! Well the short answer to this is that yes, having buy sell ads and adsense together on one blog is allowed, […]
Speed improvement with CloudFlare
Recently I decided to test cloudflare cdn on The results were amazing as expected! Before setting up cloudflare on this blog I checked various cdn providers and their options. Amazon has been tried by us already so I wanted to give cloudflare a try this time as it seemed to be the best in […]
Cpanel error while adding the redirect [solved]
While adding a permanent 301 redirect to one of my old domains onto a new one hosted on a cpanel based server I encountered an error saying: “There was an error adding the redirect.” Redirecting “” to will cause a redirection loop because , which is located at “/domain/location/both/are/same/” is above “/domain/location/both/are/same/”. Well […]
Number of your choice in Pakistan
So everyone here wants to have a number of their choice. I’m choosy about numbers, especially. I have mine that seems a golden one, indeed it wasn’t. It looks like 0333xxx0303 (the x digit is three times same digit). We are going to tell you few ways out to have your number with your choice. […]
FatCow 0.75 cent coupon / cheap sheep package
FatCow has given some really cool packages these days! The simplest and best one for testing purpose is Cheap Sheep package. The package gives you registration of an year for webhosting for $9 with a free domain name ! (isn’t domain cost almost 9$ these days? so you’re getting hosting for free probably ;)) The […]
is_single not working in functions.php wordpress [Solved]
I’ve been trying to add a condition for is_single() in my WordPress themes functions.php to show ads on blog posts only and not on other pages. However, the condition, if(is_single()){} wasn’t working as expected, i.e, it wasn’t returning positive for single post page too and thus failing again n again. Upon investigating and playing around, the […]
Show code on Single Post page only – WordPress
While working on wordpress, there might be something you wanna show on your single post page only and not on every content page of your wordpress blog or website. This can be done by using builtin is_single() function of wordpress. Showing ads (adsense ofcourse ?) on your single post page only and not on other […] – The publisher interface might be down.Try again after some time.
I’ve been trying to login my account to see if my earning has an increase of any cent or penny in last 1 month (that’s the maximum I earn through it on one of my site ! ) but I keep on getting this error that the publisher interface might be down The publisher […]
Viber Wishes “Happy Eid Al-Fitr” to Muslims via message
I just received a message to my viber inbox from Viber itself (weird, never got any such message before from the company itself) wishing me a Happy Eid Al-fitr. Viber, a jewish company, jews who’re bombing the Muslims of Gaza, even on the day of Eid, are wishing them Eid ! wow! I wonder what […]
iPhone 5 not charging [solved]
iPhones are amazing, specially iPhone 5. They changed the charger for the new iPhone 5 too to lightening charger. However, this didn’t solve the issue of charger getting bad or iPhone refusing to charge! The iPhones chargers are really unreliable and I have to always keep a spare charger with me so that I am […]