This post might seem off topic or sort of too much of common sense, but some people are still having difficulty in crossing this step of facebook login approval when logging into facebook from new browser on their computer. When logging in on your facebook account for which you have turned on login approvals from […]
How to get WordPress current post author ID and other details
Yesterday while coding a function to show different adsense code for different author, I needed to find the author ID of that post to show the relevant google adsense code with it. The issue was solved by the wordpress builtin function get_the_author_meta. The official reference page for get_the_author_meta function for wordpress says that it has […]
How to secure your Facebook account with Mobile text verification / Login Approvals
There are numerous accounts of Facebook accounts being hacked and misused. Facebook provides you an option to add mobile text verification to your account to enhance its security. Facebook calls it “Login Approvals” which asks user to verify it’s authority on the account before logging in. How it works: Once the mobile text verification for […]
How to Remove your cell number from Facebook profile
Most of the facebook settings are not straight forward and scare its users. Cell phone number is one of them. User might add phone number while doing “something” on facebook or any other associated application from their cell phone probably which will add cell number to their profile, but then boom, that cell number goes […]
How to appear offline on Facebook chat
Most of us are online on facebook almost all the time, while eating, while working, while sleeping, while this while that! but not all the time we’re in a mood or capacity to talk to the online friends. Facebook allows you to appear offline. Appear offline feature allows you to either become offline for all […]
How to monitor data transfer on Mac OS X
One of the easiest way to check the bandwidth or data transfer on any network is by checking the data transfer in your routers admin panel. However for any reason if you’re not able to do that, or if you want to be able to access the data transfer details on your mac os x […]
Mobile Phones That Supports 3G/4G Internet in Pakistan
Way #1 If you want to know that your phone supports 3G or not. You can go into the settings of your phone and look for network settings, see if it has any of the options available. 3Gs, UMTS, WCDMA, HSPA, HSPA+. If it has, then your phone is 3G enable. Don’t worry if it […]
[Solved]How to remove Render-Blocking javascripts
When a browser loads a webpage, while rendering it it has to parse the page. During the parsing process, if the browser comes across an external script it has to download it too which stops the parsing process until the JavaScript file is completely downloaded by the browser. With each file, it has to repeat […]
[Solved]How to create a HTML table from PHP array
While working on a project last week I encountered a situation in which an array was supposed to be converted to a HTML table. Basically I was working on a WordPress plugin and required the array to be dynamic with any number of items and keys in it so hard coding the table structure was […]
Top 7 Laptops of 2014
Finding the right laptop is no easy challenge. With so many models on the market, it’s easy to get bogged down in technical jargon. There’s no single model that will suit everyone, because we all have different priorities. What’s important is finding a laptop that works for you. A new laptop can be a major […]