Evolution is an eternal process where change is constant. It is quite fascinating to see how the things would get transformed in to a new phase that is completely outlandish when compared to the origins. Take for example, the evolution of phone technology which has begun its journey in 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell called […]
How to get the most out of ebay when shopping online
Online shopping is a trend spreading like wild fire and so is the competition among all the online stores. What would be better than receiving what you shop on your doorstep that too at a lesser price than conventional market? To survive in the competition of this business, these ventures use honey to catch the […]
Long term benefits of IP telephony for small businesses
Even though, Internet Protocol Telephony has a lot of potential, yet it is one of those underused tools for small businesses. Savvy businesses prefer using the cloud, but cloud technology is far costlier than IP telephone. It also offers better flexibility and functionality also than those prototype telephone systems. Another name for IP telephony is […]
How to choose a topic for new blog
Blogging, just like friendship, is easy to start but difficult to maintain. Choosing the topic for our new blog is one of the most important question which can either waster our time or make our lives. Here you’ll be getting few tips and ideas on how to chose the topic for your new blog and […]
Explore the new Graph Search by Facebook – Tour
Facebook recently started rolling out the newly launched Facebook Graph Search. The graph search tour takes you through the features enhanced in facebook via graph search launch. Once your account is approved for Facebook Graph Search you will get a notification on your Facebook homepage saying that your account is now approved for Facebook Graph […]
Facebook Graph Search launched finally!
Facebook has started rolling out facebook graph search now. Today When I logged into my facebook account, facebook gave me a notification to update to facebook graph search. Graph Search is Here Good news! You’re off the waiting list and ready to start using Graph Search. Take 2 minutes to tour what’s new and see […]
Mcafee Siteadvisor Errors
Today I happened to create an account on mcafee siteadvisor to request a review for my website being falsely blacklisted by mcafee siteadvisor. After creating the account, I went to the website review page and clicked on the “Request a Review” link and voila! it gave me an error page itself! It takes you to […]
Tick, Tock, Tablet Time – Ubuntu + HTC launching a combined product
Ubuntu showed a count down on their official website which ends at 1800 GMT tomorrow. The screenshot of the countdown is as follows: Note that the countdown is at the main slideshow portion of the ubuntu.com website where they announced some android phone coming up in last days. On the other hand, htc has the […]
Facebook allows to translate comments automatically now – powered by Bing
Facebook now allows you to translate comments on your facebook statuses on your facebook wall. When you see any message written in any foreign language facebook will show you a link below it saying “See Translation“. Clicking on the see translation link under you comment will open the translation right below the original comment in […]
Geo.tv – news website or ad-network ?
Made this post to share the Geo.tv homepage screenshot which occurs as a welcome when you open the site. Seriously, the welcome view made me think if I was on a news website or a glamor or advertising website! Checkout yourself, the homepage view of the great news website, geo.tv (click to enlarge) Now tell […]