Almost same number of visitors daily! strange?

I don’t know if this thing makes you curious or not, but it does make me! I get almost same number of visitors per day on my various blogs. Even from the initial days, when the visitor count was low like 200 visitors, it was nearly constant between 180-220 per day or so. This is […]

Youtube sharing on Facebook working again

Almost an hour ago Facebook blocked youtube videos sharing. The sharing is resumed again. You can now share the youtube videos to facebook wall and groups again! Have fun!

Facebook blocked Youtube video sharing

While trying to post a youtube video from youtube to facebook, i received a message of message failed. The video sharing was working perfectly fine few minutes ago, but now it’s giving error. I am not sure if this message failed error is intentional by facebook or some other automatic reason! While trying to share […]

Facebook – Friend Requests Blocked for 7 Days

Did facebook blocked your friend requests? again? Well last time they blocked the friend requests for 4 days. This time it’s for 7 days. This temporary block is just to avoid spam. I am not sure if adding people you meet in online communities is a spam though! but anyway, if facebook says so, then […]

Working for free as a help? My experience!

Working for free for someone wouldn’t be something new for you! Whatever field you work in, people come to you usually to help them, ofcourse for free! This work is mostly exactly what you do to make a living usually. Like coding for programmers. Sometimes the comments or response we get from them is more […]

Was Adsense Worth a Try?

I have been programming and developing websites for last many years. But it is only 2 years ago when I decided to run my own blog, which I got passion to work for 2 months only, after that it was just a update process to be honest! The purpose of the blog to test out […]

Optimum settings for Facebook Groups

This post is meant to show to the point recommended settings forFacebook groups  Optimum settings for Facebook Groups 1. Login to Facebook and Goto the group whose settings you want to edit (from the left column on homepage) 2. Click on Edit settings on top right of the group wall 3. for Notify me when select Only posts I am subscribed […]

Things to do as soon as you Join a Facebook Group

Facebook Groups are a very cool way to interact between people of same interests. However there are a few things which you need to know in order to use the Facebook Groups more efficiently. When we Join Facebook Groups, the default settings are not as convenient as they should be. Infact they had turned on the max options. Also, there […]

Facebook updating messaging again

Facebook upgraded my messaging to the new one some months back. But today, it’s giving a message that it’s upgrading the messaging again! Exciting! isn’t it? So what do you think the new upgrade would be? This is the message which I get once I try to go to the messages on facebook: The Messages […]

Facebook Bugs and Error (group notifications)

I have been posting various bugs and errors on popular websites out there as I encountered them. This post is about another Facebook Bug which you all might be noticing these days. This bug is there for almost a week now. There are other bugs too on facebook encountered recently. I am not sure if […]