Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FacebookApiException – Solution

This solution should work for any environment, but in my particular case it was like this: Scenario: I was coding a plugin for wordpress which uses the FacebookApiException (in facebook.php file or facebook app sdk). I included the file using: include(facebook.php); and boom! it gave me this Error: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FacebookApiException in/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/1/wp-content/plugins/fb-frame/facebook.phpon […]

How to change Array key name in PHP

Well let me tell you that there are more than 1 ways of changing the key name of an array. Here I will discuss the ones that can be useful in some situations. If you have any question or suggestion, do let me know. Changing Key name of a single entry of an Array The […]

Fatal error: Class ‘JParameter’ not found in joomla 1.6

Joomla! 1.6 is an awesome update by the Joomla! team to the community but looks like it’s a bit pain for some situations! As you might already know, many templates and extensions for Joomla! version 1.5 don’t work for 1.6 without conversion and there is no support for legacy thing that we had in previous […]

Nabthesis – Free theme for WordPress released by Nabtron

We are proud to release our new theme named Nabthesis for WordPress today for free. The release of future versions with patches and updates will be added soon depending upon the feedback from the users. Theme download url: Download Nabthesis 1.0 Theme discussion page: Nabthesis discussion Demo: http://nabtron.com/ If you have any queries or suggestions, […]

Google Analytics Javascript error with smarty

While working on a website running a smarty based script I encountered an error. The error was received when i tried entering Google Analytics code to the footer.tpl file of the template for the script I was working on. I received an error saying something like: Fatal error: Smarty: [in footer.tpl line **]: syntax error: […]

Remove theme my login extra css file and add it’s code to wordpress theme

By removing the additional css files and combining their code in one we can save the load time of the site. There are wordpress plugins available to do that too, but if you want to do it manually, this tutorial will guide you through it. The code added by the theme my login plugin to […]

Smart sharing plugin – not showing on thesis 1.7 theme [solved]

This tutorial works not only for the smart sharing plugin and thesis 1.7 theme but for any other plugin and theme too if they are giving same error. I was using another plugin before, named digg digg but it was quite heavy in my opinion so i replaced it with this light weight plugin named […]

Redirect user to iPhone / iPod version of site using PHP

Previously i wrote an article which explains Detect users internet browser and redirect to different page specific to it but this was just a basic idea on how to do this focusing mainly on detecting the user browser. In this tutorial you will be learning how to detect if the user is coming from Apple […]