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Error & Bugs in Feedburner

Feedburner is otherwise an awesome service by google which lets webmasters to provide feed for their website and blogs in a beautiful way and with many tools for monetizing as well as managing it! but like any script, it has bugs and errors too.

However, what I liked about it is that it don’t disclose the bug itself, rather just tells that something went wrong and followed by a default auto message on the screen.

Today I just logged into my feed burner account and received this error:

Trouble at the mill!

FeedBurner encountered some kind of error performing the task or displaying the page you requested. Fear not, this event has notified the appropriate people within FeedBurner and we will have this all ironed out soon.

Our apologies for the temporary inconvenience. If you would like, you can also contact us directly about the problem you are seeing.

I am not sure which mill they’re talking about though! ;\

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