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Error while connecting to amazon ec2 via ftp – solution

I haven’t used amazon elastic compute cloud (amazon ec2) for my own websites but recently got a project in which the client was hosting his website on amazon servers.

Fair enough, I was given the ftp and database access credentials but when I tried logging into ftp using filezilla ftp client I got this error:

Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET – Connection reset by peer

Error: Disconnected from server

Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

This error arrives once the username and password has been cleared by amazon ec2 server instance (which also means that port 21 is also clear and unblocked by the server firewall). Filezilla just fails to retrieve directory listing from the server due to connection reset by peer error.

The solution to this issue with amazon elastic compute cloud is very simple.

How to fix amazon ec2 ftp connect error

This error is caused due the wrong Transfer mode selected. This error can be solved by selecting Active Transfer mode (instead of passive – default for filezilla).

To change the transfer mode and select active mode for transfer instead of passive mode have a look at this image:

Select the server you want to connect to (the one which is hosted on amazon ec2 server) and in transfer settings change the transfer mode to active.

Hopefully this will solve the issue “Failed to retrieve directory listing” for amazon elastic compute cloud (amazon ec2) ftp 

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