We know no system is perfect and have some errors and bugs, but there are some errors which are quite obvious and pretty irritating.
One of the bug in Apple store i encountered some time back was related to items availability in the store.
When trying to buy / download the application from Apple Store on my macbook it gave me error saying:
Your request could not be completed.
The item you’ve requested is not currently available in the Pakistani Store, but it is available in the U.S. Store. Click change Store to view this item.
And gave me option to change the store.
Upon changing the store and trying again to get the item from apple app store it said:
Your request could not be completed.
The item you’ve requested is not currently available in US store.
( note that the first popup had store written with capital S and the second one didn’t :\ weird ? )
Anyway, does this make any sense?
If the item isn’t available then why is it listed?
And if it isn’t available then why is it said that it “is” available in US store and when we check there it isn’t ?
This was one of many errors and bugs in Apple system!