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How to Jailbreak Unlock iPhone 3G 3GS 3.1.2 with Blackra1n on Windows and Mac OS

Blackra1n release RC3 is available for both windows and mac supporting iPhone 3G and iPhone 3Gs with the unlock for baseband 05.11.07.

It’s not only advance but also pretty much easy to use utility. It also includes the Blacksn0w unlock for 05.11.07 baseband, enable official tethering and huge15 second speed improvement.

Files to Download:

Download the Blackra1n Rc3 from the list below along with your required ipsw file (for either iPhone 3G or 3Gs)

Getting Started (Preparing to Jailbreak your iPhone)

Before attempting to jailbreak / unlock your iPhone 3G/3Gs using Blackrain, consider the following points and select which one is the right method for you:

1. Locked iPhone 3G/3Gs with firmware 3.x.x Never Jailbroken before : Follow the Step One to Step Six

2. Locked iPhone 3G/3Gs with firmware 3.x.x Jailbroken before : You have two conditions

3.    Firmware 3.X.X and want to have a clean install of 3.1.2 : Then simply download the firmware for your iPhone 3G/3Gs from above and restore your iPhone to the stock firmware 3.1.2 with Shift+Restore(windows) or Option + Restore(Mac) in iTunes. Or Simply hit the upgrade button in iTunes and then follow the step One to Six.

Jailbreaking Your iPhone 3G/3Gs

Once you have downloaded the relevant files and chosed which way to proceed to jailbreak/unlock your iPhone 3G/3Gs, here are the steps to follow:

Step One

Download Blackra1n RC3 and launch the program by double clicking the rain drop icon.

Windows 7 / Vista users – if you have any difficulty in launching the program follow these instructions otherwise jump to Step Two.

Step Two

Click on make it ra1n button.

Step Three

You iPhone will now be placed in recovery mode. You will see a picture of GeoHot that replaces the regular recovery mode screen on your iPhone 3G/3Gs.


Step Four

Your iPhone or iPod Touch will reboot once blackra1n has completed its work and blackra1n icon will appear there. If you don’t see the blackra1n icon, go to the last page on your iDevice and you should be able to see it (if you have applications in < 11 pages).

Step Five

Install your preferred application from the blackra1n app. You have the option of choosing Cydia, Rock and Sn0w. Its recommended not to install them all at once, because that may cause problems. Install one of them then reboot and then install the second one.

Step Six

Just hit the sn0w button and the process will happen itself. After the process is complete you will have your unlocked baseband 5.11.07 for your iPhone 3G/3Gs.

Post Jailbreak Fixes

  1. Fix AFC2 Error : Blackra1n doesn’t adds the afc2 support to your jailbreaked iPhone. iPhone browser, iFunbox, Diskaid etc uses the afc2 service to access the file system and allow the transfer of files such as Winterboard  themes, NES ROMs or eBooks to the iPhone. In short you can’t access root partition of your drive with desktop clients.
2.   Fix no WiFi after the Blackra1n : To fix broken WiFi Reset network settings, then reboot and WiFi will work again.
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