Upon investigating and playing around, the solution was that the condition has to be used inside a function and not in the functions.php file openly.
Take the following example which I used for my theme code to show adsense on single post page only and not on wordpress is_page() pages.
This is incorrect way of using wordpress conditional hooks (outside functions in functions.php)
if(is_single()) {
add_action('the_content', sharebox);
function sharebox($content){
$nabtron_before_content = "stuff to show before content";
$nabtron_after_content = "stuff to show after content";
$content = $nabtron_author_adsense.$content.$nabtron_after_content;
This will not work, as the condition for checking if the page is a single post or a wp page is not inside a functions.
This is correct way to use conditional is_single() or any other in functions.php
To use the conditional function correctly inside functions.php, add it inside a function like this and it will work inshaAllah:
add_action('the_content', sharebox);
function sharebox($content){
if(is_single()) {
$nabtron_before_content = "stuff to show before content";
$nabtron_after_content = "stuff to show after content";
$content = $nabtron_author_adsense.$content.$nabtron_after_content;
Let me know if you have any queries or suggestions related to it!