Sorry for the recent couple of hour’s down time on nabtron. One of the guy was exploiting our joomla based website on this server to hack people’s online bank account by phishing. We removed his files previously but he did it again. So this time we added a message regarding his acts that he is trying to hack people on his page, instead of removing the page from server here:
It was a good lesson for us (and for that script kiddie too). Websites come up and go, I’ve made this site upto this small potential, if it’s all gone even, i can make it again, faster and even better, but what can’t be regained is the prestige, the guy who was trying to hack people’s bank account and use haram money…. how can he revert that sin! shame on him! I was just wondering what has his parents and teachers taught him all his life! (or maybe he is from those families where parents don’t teach their kids, just give them birth and throw them away?) Anyway… may Allah show him the right path…