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PHP mail function (for sending $_POST or $_GET data from form or AJAX)

phpThis post is to give an example of simple PHP mail function.

The first one is a simple mail function with minimum elements in it. The second one is a theme for sending $_POST posted data via email.



$email_subject=”the posted variables”;
$email_message=”Theinitial message”;
$headers = “From: Beacze\r\n”.
“Reply-To:\r\n'” .
“X-Mailer: PHP/” . phpversion();
mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers);
echo “mail sent!”


This one sends the data submitted to the page via POST or GET from the form from previous page or through AJAX



$to = “”;
$subject = “nab 1”;
$txt = “Results: ” . print_r( $_POST, true );
$headers = “From:”;




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