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Things to do as soon as you Join a Facebook Group

Facebook Groups are a very cool way to interact between people of same interests. However there are a few things which you need to know in order to use the Facebook Groups more efficiently.

When we Join Facebook Groups, the default settings are not as convenient as they should be. Infact they had turned on the max options. Also, there is no instructions are on the main Group wall, where admins can give notes to the group members.

Ok so here are few settings and their explanation when you join anyFacebook Group. Everyone should dothese settings when they joinfacebook groups.

Things to do As soon as you Join Facebook Group

1. How to Goto Facebook Group Wall

(the first point is for those who don’t know how to goto group even – if that’s not the case with you, skip to next one)

There are some people who ask me how to goto the groups that they have joined, most people know this already, for those who don’t do this:

To open the group wall login to your facebook id and goto the homepage.

On the homepage left column, you will see list of groups that you have joined (figure to the right). If the group is not visible, click more to get complete list of groups that you have joined.

Click on the group name, and it will open the group wall.

Another (optional) way is to click on the groups name on the group chat (if it’s enabled) or else youcan also write the group name in facebook search to goto that group.

2. Change Group Settings

Now here comes the real part. The original group settings by facebook are not optimum (atleast in my humble opinion).

To make changes to the facebook group settings, follow these steps. Please note I have suggested the optimum settings that I prefer using, but you can change them ofcourse according to your needs and priorities.

To open settings for the group. Goto the group, and on top right, click Edit Settings (figure below)

It will popup the settings panel for this facebook group like this:

Now this is where we have to make some changes.

Notify Me when

First open says Notify me when with the default selected to A member posts or comments. Change it to the value that you want.

My recommended option is: Only posts I am subscribed to. This will notify only when someone comments on your post or below your comment on any other posts. It will also notify when someone tags you in a post. And this one is the best one in my opinion!

Also send an email to

I prefer keeping this option unchecked. Reason is, it clutters up the email inbox! seriously! As you are already getting the notifications on facebook, there don’t seem to be any reason why you would like to get these notifications in email normally.

Show this group in home navigation

This one is personal choice. If this is some group that you want to be shown all the time, select Always otherwise chose accordingly. This will alter the visibility of the group link on the homepage left column (discussed in the first point – how to goto facebook group wall)

Send me group Chat messages

Again, this option depends on your choice. If you want to chat to the group, keep it ticked, otherwise uncheck the option so that you no longer get the chat messages from the group.

Mostly groups are irritating when it comes to chat, if that’s the case, then it’s best to turn it off, and turn it on whenever you want to avoid any disturbance.

Hopefully this post will help in reducing the annoyance caused by some groups to you! I wish Facebook could make atleast the first option optional and turning off chat easier by adding on or off to the right sidebar. Anyway, let’s see what’s coming next!

If you have any difficulty or question, please let me know!

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