How to remove facebook security check words [captcha code text]

Facebook have a security feature of captcha code which shows some words every time you want to do interaction with the people on facebook including:

  • adding new friends
  • sending message to people who are not in your friend list

facebook captcha

Well, this is really good security check though, but can be very much irritating some times, or say , most of the time! So well, how to fix/solve it? and remove it permanently from showing those security check words and asking you to enter the show text from the captcha image in the box before doing any interactions on the facebook? solution is simple.

How to stop facebook security check (captcha)

Facebook simply wants you to verify your account before you can get rid of this captcha code altogether from any activity you do on facebook including adding new people on facebook or sending them messages.

To verify your account with facebook, it needs you to enter your mobile number and it will send you the security code on your mobile number. To get verified on facebook by entering the mobile / cell phone number and get rid of the captcha security code text, follow this:

Click on the verify Your account link on the captcha popup (link circled red in the image below):

facebook captcha 2

It will open another popup.In the new popup, facebook will ask you to select your country and country code and then enter the cell phone number below it. Simply enter the cell number in that place in international form (without the country code ofcourse as it has been already selected above) and then slick confirm.

facebook captcha

Upon clicking the confirm button, facebook will check if the number is already registered / associated with another account for verification of not, if not, then it will simply send a confirmation code on your cell phone as a sms message immediately. Simply read the message and enter the confirmation code sent by facebook in the next page and click confirm.

facebook captcha

After you press confirm, facebook will show you a message saying that your account is now confirmed, and here you go! no more irritating captcha code, security image text and words, etc! Cool and simple life at facebook! adding new people as friends and messaging those who are not in your friend list yet! But hey! be careful! don’t be very fast at that! because facebook still blocks the account if it uses the features of adding new friends or sending messages above certain limit! so just be easy at that! Have fun! happy facebooking! :D

177 comments on “How to remove facebook security check words [captcha code text]

          1. you didn’t see it because it wasn’t there before :P (i am sorry it was disabled, i didn’t notice too)

            and looks like facebook don’t have cell phone verification in your country / area. Or you already have entered your cell number?

            Where do you live?

          2. LOL. I’ve been wondering how I missed that.

            Anyway it’s an FB account of a client. Everything’s set up, even the mobile number. I’ve worked with a handful FB accounts and didn’t encounter this kind of problem.

    1. Make sure that the phone number is not rejected by facebook and that you are receiving friends / status updates from facebook to your cell number.

      1. Don’t think it’s rejected, it shows up at account settings > mobile

        About receiving updates, that’s about activating facebook texts? In that case, I can’t because Romania isn’t a supported country :(

        1. Yeah probably that’s the reason. Adding a cell phone number in your profile info doesn’t mean you are “verified” using it. Did you tried following the tutorial above? and it got you a cell number verification process?

          1. Well if you didn’t get the option to remove the captcha code on the captcha entry popup, then definitely your country is not supported for this act.

          2. hmmm, pretty strange. This morning when I tried to send msgs, no more captchas appeared. Oh well, facebook works in mysterious ways :P. Ty for your help :)

          3. ohk, thanks for the update cerb, really appreciate that.

            So infact the issue was that your verification was not updated to all servers of facebook probably, which is now updated :)

          4. Guess I was wrong. Captchas appeared again when sending msgs.

            Think I’ll start using (sry I didn’t mention: I’m using Facebook Blaster to promote an event and those captchas are really annoying when trying to send msgs to 1000 ppl :D)

          5. Beats the hell out of me :D. I have FBlaster set at 20msgs. The first time all 20 msgs were sent without any problem, so that’s why I thought it was solved. The 2nd time, only 16msgs were sent before captchas appeared again, and the number of msgs sent kept decreasing. I’m curious to see if tomorrow morning will be the same.

  1. This does NOT solve the link posting captcha’s, my account IS verified already.

    When sharing using the SU toolbar, on one machine I _ALWAYS_ have to enter the captcha, on the other machine it NEVER pops up. Both machines run FF3.6 with the same add-ons. There MUST be something different.

    Any ideas?

    1. Hello Pete, yes facebook does show captcha while posting links to your facebook profile. And they don’t show any link or message to or how to disable this captcha entry whenever we post a link.

      I am not sure what you meant why the captcha pops up with stumble upon tool bar and on other machine (with su toolbar too? )

      1. Right, both machines pretty identical, browsers too. Only the noscript and adblock filter rules/settings might vary. I remember I couldn’t get the captchasto work on one machine until I managed to unblock sime URLs in noscript using a “show menu and icons” addon to be able to access noscript settings from the popup, only then some unexpected URLs showed up. Meanwhile this Addon doesnt work anymore due to upgrading FF to v3.6.x, so I can’t check it out in detail.

        However, on one I click share/facebook, get the popup, confirm – and done.
        On the other the captchas are bugging me.

        Dammit. I’m spending more time having/trying to fix such issues than using the machine.

        1. Well this is sort of strange if both the system have same configuration and browsers + same facebook account logged in.

          BTW facebook don’t ask you to enter captcha if you share it to the facebook fan page

  2. I would need to debug what’s going on using Firebug etc. But I don’t have the time to do so currently.
    However, it’s already a shit to unblock some required URL in Noscript when those only show up whenthe captcha pops up and the toolbars, status bar etc are disabled in this. No sign of those URLs while still in the main FB window.

    FB forces most less skilled users to allow everything in order to get it working. Disabling secure settings is a security breach par excellence. Stupid web 2.0 frills. Many thanks, FB!!!

    1. Well nothing is perfect, Facebook is also evolving and trying to improve their code from time to time

      Please do update me too when you have any update on the issue.

  3. Imagine this scenario. Legitimate member steals cell phone. Legitimate member has shady tech friend reinitialize the SIM card so it reads with LM’s name instead of the person who “lost” the phone. Legitimate member then uses same cell phone to verify his Facebook account and obtain a “legitimate” username. And they think they’ve improved security with this new strategy! DMML!

    1. I don’t think so. I had been contacted before by another person from Iran too. I think Iran is not supported by Facebook. However if you want to verify your account (cell number) you can use the cell number of any other country. Let me know if you want my services for this purpose.

      1. Dear Nabeel:
        Thanks for the help. It will be highly appreciated if you let make use of your number. However, you should let me know whixh country you are in right now to avoid receiving sms late at night or inconvenience times?

        many Thanks

  4. *******
    I’m in the office and yahoo messenger is blocked here. I can be on yahoo messenger in the next 6 hours.

  5. Stupid facebook,i tried so many time but still didn’t received any message for verification. i confirm that my country is in the list.stupid facebook security….

  6. I was hoping u could help me my hubby is getting the security code check in hes inbox msgs every time he wants to send a msg facebook i read the above of how to remove it but there is no verify account below the security code box is there any other way of how to remove this annoying thing

  7. Well I have done the verification bit long ago, and the “verify” does not show up on the captcha. and the captcha is with friends inbox replies, adding friends and inbox message who are not friends. There is no consistency to the captcha. I am wondering if Facebook use’s the captcha as a way to track what you are doing ?????

    1. imho facebook uses captcha just to avoid spam and extensive use of the features.

      even if your account is verified but you are over using it, then it first starts showing the captcha and then blocks you from using that feature.

      The ban may be lifted in some days or weeks, or else it may also end in blockage of your account altogether.

      1. I am a heavy chatter on inbox, and add friends for games,
        So I am being punished for using Facebook for what it is for..

        1. they don’t allow heavy use of inbox, just make sure you don’t use it much now, or else they might terminate your account too. . .

  8. when i try to add freinds it ask me to put in security check words to confirm.
    it never asked me before its only been doing it for a few days. and I’ve confirmed my fb account again 30 mins ago and still no joy

    1. yes, this is because facebook noticed that you are using the feature too much, please slow down its usage before your account gets blocked.

  9. how can i get facebook to send me a security code when it says its sent and it hasnt?! it wont help me, ive checked the email is right, and emailed facebook, and tried clicking re send for 3 days? any help?

    1. if you are not getting that link it probably means either you have already verified your account or else your country is not supported by facebook yet.

    1. This is because you have been using the feature extensive probably. Slow down in using the feature (which ever is showing you this captcha again) or else your account can also go on a permanent ban by facebook!

  10. I have downloaded IM+ to my Blackberry and ran my facebook and skype through it. Up until a few weeks ago all was well. Out of the blue when connecting to IM+ to activated my facebook it gave me this message “Error, Connection to facebook (email address) failed. Reason: Please log in at your desktop browser and bypass facebook captcha” Before I knew what captcha was, when I logged onto facebook through my laptop facebook requested a captcha verification which I confirmed/activated. Now that I have learned more about captcha how do I get facebook to se-send a captcha verification as per you “security Check” example box?

  11. How to do get access to your acount again??!!?! I moved and facebook wants me to verify my acoount with those stupid photo captchas. How can I verify flowers, farmville photos and boats?!!?!!

    Is there anyway to actaully email facebook and have a person do something or is this all automated crap.

    1. I am not very much sure as i didn’t encounter this myself

      however i think if you try contacting facebook staff with the feedback and help links provided above in this article, they may help you

  12. BRO I CANT SEE THE BLOODY “SICK OF THESE” THINGY BELOW THE CODE!!!!!!!!!!! pls help me out………….

  13. i have problem in adding new friends it gives captcha on every new friend plz tell me the solution

    previously i have used mobile notifications but now a month ago i have disabled it

  14. Hi I have only just started a facebook account and have verified my account but every time I add a friend it still comes up with captcha. How can I get rid of this? I live in New Zealand and have only been adding people I know (like maybe 50 ppl so far)

      1. It came up initially so i clicked verify account and put in my vodafone nz cell number, after waiting 2 days to receive a tx I went to the activate mobile bit and put in another cell number on telecom nz network. The activation code immediatley appeared in a tx to that phone and I put in the number and activated the telecome phone but it still asks me for a captcha every time i add someone and no longer gives me the option of verifying account. I never received a tx to my vodafone number.

        1. hm, did you try contacting facebook help for that matter?

          and maybe you are over using feature of adding or messaging friends that’s why you’re receiving the error.

  15. how to re-verify account…coz i already verified my account by mail…n yet it ask for security chek every time….n now i have no confirmation mail…n facebook doesent send code on what to do??? pliz reply

  16. Facebook/SecurityCheck will not let me de-activate there funny words, and the confirmation codes keep telling me error and/or try again later, and the problem continues no matter what I seem to try.

  17. Please help…I am traveling away from home and I can not access my Facebook account! I have tried for over 40 days!! I am 3000 miles away from children and family and this is the way I show where and what I am doing.
    I am prompted for the “friendphotocaptcha”…THe first pic is shown, I select..then the second pic “flashes” and then tells me to come back in an hour. What the Hell?
    I sometimes go on there 15 times a day! I can’t slow the photos down..I have deleted my browser and cookies, and I have done everything I can think if includding beggin emails to facebook. What now? Make a new account?

  18. i already verified my account and confirmed my mobile..and yet their is still a captcha before i add friends..can you help me in solving this?..

    1. maybe you are using the add friend feature too much. Slow down abit and the captcha will go away. Also, if you continue using it with this speed, your account may get suspended too.

  19. My mobile no. is verified but still I am getting that annoying captcha. And its also not showing me the “verify phone no.” option.

    1. probably your country isn’t in the facebook supported countries. You can still get it solved by purchasing a phone verified account. Lemme know if you need details for that.

  20. sorry i try to add friend but from a time and after i recieve this message but nowhere says “Sick Of this” . my country supports facebook but i cant find this thing//

    And another question do you know anything on how to add many friends on facebook at once ?

    thnks :)

    1. It’s not if your country supports facebook

      question is if facebook supports your country (phone numbers)

      best way to add many friends is by adding them on messenger and importing them

      Also, if you want phone verified account for facebook do let me know.

      1. yes facebook supports my country but the problem is that i cand find the question “Sick of this”

        Now about the friends i add them my self but from 40 friend and after facebook appears this security check and i cant add more if i dont fill the text every time i add somenone after 40 friends.

        Do you know something about that?
        oh. and thanks for the help by the way :)

  21. sir i m verifying my account throug mob no after this i face again this securty bos :(
    i don’t know how to remove this can u tell me about this?

  22. I have verified my account and i log in to my facebook once a day and only for one hour. And in this one hour i don’t send anyone message. I just try to add 1 or 2 friends (my college friends) but still this security check appears.

    @Nabeel: I tell you to open a new account in facebook and try to add friends. I know you will also face the same problems. :)

  23. im getting problem for oping my account but it is asking me to enter security code and some questions so what i need to do plz help me waiting for ur reply

  24. I actually verified it with my cellphone but I still get these captcha’s and I still have the Welcome thing on my page. How do I get rid of it?

  25. hey frenz i hve got ma cell no. N verified ma fb a/c… Bt still i get this security svheck …bt wahaan verify yor a/c nahi aata abhi…. What to do?????

  26. i have a problem, when i login my facebook it asked me for my date of birth but i cant remeber what it was becuase i clicked on any thing
    does any one know how to sort out this problem please get back to me asap

  27. I keep tryin to do the security check to reactivate my page but the words never show up so i can move on and i am using my phone. Should i try the computer?

  28. my account has failed to open am being asked to answer a security question first but the words to to feel in the box are not appearing. i need to activate my account.

  29. salve a tutti cerco un aiuto per quanto riguarda il codice che facebook ti deve inviare sul cellulare non ho mai ricevuto questo messaggio nonostante ho inserito più volte il mio numero come posso fare per sbloccare non c è un codice generico che posso usare per sbloccarlo?

  30. I’ve typed in the two word sequence and FB is not recognizing the words…and yes I entered the words correctly and did it multiple times just to be sure. I can’t use the verify my account tip provided because I’m deployed and my cell phone is not operational. How do I access my FB account now? Please help.

  31. i still dont get the security check i cant see any words they talking about,its jus a password i forgot y is it so difficult HELP!!!!!!!!!!! *ANGRY*

  32. I cannot receive Facebook security code email
    get to step 3 in the process of verifying my account where I click on the ‘send security code’ to (my email address which is correct) and it never arrives in my Hotmail inbox. I have previously received emails from Facebook to the same address, so nothing has changed- it seems that page just isn’t working! I have checked the junkmail, I don’t have any filters running- it just doesn’t get through.

    I have tried emailing Facebook at every address I can find still with no response. I haven’t violated any rules or breached any codes- I think someone may have tried to access my account with an incorrect password…not my fault!

    I’m getting increasingly angry- no response, no answers,I have tried different browsers- Mozilla, Internet Explorer with no luck.

    Please I need to access my account ASAP…Help

  33. cannot receive Facebook security code email
    get to step 3 in the process of verifying my account where I click on the ‘send security code’ to (my email address which is correct) and it never arrives in my Hotmail inbox. I have previously received emails from Facebook to the same address, so nothing has changed- it seems that page just isn’t working! I have checked the junkmail, I don’t have any filters running- it just doesn’t get through.

  34. I don’t think it’s right to ask people phone numbers that way, this is kind of not fair. Phone number is a private information and everyone should have a choice to share his private information or not to share :/

  35. i have a lot of friends i cannot identify their photos and to comfirm the mobile number i do not have a mobile i hate security checks

  36. pliz i had some big problem.When i enter my phone number and until now i didnt get the code trough my phone..
    any other way?
    wats reason..pliz help me..

  37. can u help me!,facebook ask me to fill up the a security code!,,the thing is i cannot find my old mobile number!,,what other else can i do ,to open my facebook, account without filling the security code!

      1. i have no other log in session saved!, what else can i do!,,i tried many way!,,but i always ended up in the state that i will fill the security code.

  38. 1. There are actually people out there who use Facebook who do not OWN a cellphone.
    2. There are actually real-live people out there who do NOT want their cellphone number linked to a social network account.
    3. Facebook forces CAPTCHA on 3 things that I know of:
    –a. sending a link through message chats
    –b. sometimes in group messages, saying to slow down, you may be using a feature in a way it is not intended
    –c. sending too many friend requests in a day
    I can sort of understand the first and the third, but the second one makes no sense to me.

  39. I have verified the mobile number but still my facebook page - requires captcha.

    Suggest me any other solution to resolve this problem for my website.


  40. Please help me about this problem, I followed the instruction how to remove or turn off a security check on Facebook but its not working.

  41. I have big problem in Facebook please help me..fb say it again and again Nd not send me confirmation code ..It looks like you’re using this feature in a way it wasn’t meant to be used. Please slow down, or you could be blocked from using it.
    Fb again and again say it my I’d not log in ..please help me and solve my problem

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