How to Install Android 2.3.3 on Nexus S

This tutorial will guide you through the steps on how to install the Android 2.3.3 (GRI40) update on your rooted Nexus S.

Please note, try this on your own risk, we’re not responsible for any damage to your Nexus S while installing android 2.3.3 on it.

How to Install Nexus S (GRI40) Software Update

1. Download Gingerbread GRI40 for Nexus S Android 2.3.3 software update and save in a new folder on your desktop. Rename it to

2. Connect and mount your Nexus S using the USB cable to your computer.

3. Now copy the file to your Nexus USB memory (make sure the file is in usb memory root and not inside any folder)

4. Then turn off your phone.

5. Now we need to get our phone in the bootloader mode by pressing and holding the volume up and power button.

6. Follow the on screen instructions and select Bootloader and then goto Recovery.

7. (Assuming you have ClockwokMod recovery) scroll down to “Flash zip from SD card” and open it by pressing power button.

8. select your “” file by using the volume keys. The installation process will start once you confirm the installation.

9. Reboot the phone by selecting “Reboot system” from the recovery menu once the installation is complete (don’t panic if it seems like stuck on android bot)

10. Done! now your Nexus S have the latest software update Android 2.3.3 installed on your phone. To verify the version goto Settings>About.

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