Godaddy and PayPal payment issue!

No matter how much I “try” to like godaddy, I’m almost always disappointed. Well honestly, I just added “almost” for the sake of saying it, because it’s like always! In past whenever I’ve tried to call their customer support for any support, they failed to provide it! The customer service representatives who we talk to […]

Serious Errors in system

Well almost every system has some bugs and errors thought but today while registering a domain at I faced some really weird errors and bugs. Which literally freaked me out and made me wonder if they were really reliable! I’ll start reviewing 1and1 domain registration system in sequence – the first error in 1and1 […]

Free (sub) domain providers

There are many free domain name providers (sub domains to be precise) Here is list of few free sub domain / domain providers for those who don’t have enough to invest for their first domain or don’t have paypal to buy one. Co.TV Tk ( (de-indexed by google) If […]

Co.CC alternatives

Google deindexed sub domains, so definitely it’s time to find an alternative for your free domains (if you still want to continue with the free domain / sub domain! ) Co.CC alternatives Co.TV Tk ( If you know some other alternatives for free (sub) domain please share!

Stop Godaddy Product Expiration Notification?

So you registered a domain name from Godaddy and now you don’t want to renew and own it anymore? It’s easy right? don’t pay for next year! naaaah!!!! Godaddy won’t let you slide through it! they send you an email literally every week or more often that you domain is expiring or going to be […]