What I use to stop SPAM comments on Nabtron

Whenever someone asks me about which platform to use for blogging, I obviously recommend my favorite, WordPress, but after a couple of weeks of using it, they always start complaining about the number of spam comments being posted on their blogs.

Well guys, fighting spam is an issue everywhere, yeah, but what do I do to fight spam here at nabtron? you’ll know in this post.

I don’t say that I don’t get any spam comments at all, well I do get them, but they’re in very low quantity. And NO, I don’t use askismet or captcha plugins.

How to stop spam comments on wordpress posts

1. NoSpamNx

An awesome plugin to fight spam. Just goto wordpress dashboard > plugins > add new > “nospamnx” and search for it. Install and activate.

One more step, goto settings > nospamnx and change the option to mark comments spam to “block” so that they get deleted straight away.

Believe me, this is one of the few plugins I install on every blog I ever install. It’s a must have for every wordpress blog. It don’t add any captcha or any visible thing on your wordpress blog or comments, works on its own, behind the scene.

2. Disable trackbacks

Again, this is a plugin name I use to disable trackbacks. Install and activate it the same way you installed nospamnx to fight spam comments on wordpress.

What it does is, as the name says, it simply blocks trackbacks.

Loss ? no, not much infact

Benefit? yes, hundreds of spam trackbacks just for backlinks get blocked automatically

3. Remove website field

Remove the “website” field from your wordpress comments. (ask me to do it for you if you don’t know how to do it on wordpress)

I have added this last week because of manual spam increasing on the blog.

However, this is a temporary measure. I’m planning to enable registered and allowed members to use their website link on the blog comments only, soon.

I hope these will help you fight spam comments on wordpress blog alot! I don’t use captcha because it reduces wordpress comments count alot! literally alot! Please let me know your views and ideas which you use to fight spam on your wordpress blog comments.


NoSpamNx and disable trackbacks blocks almost all of the automatic spam comments on your wordpress blog

The last step to remove website field is only helpful when you see a large amount of manual spam only.

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