How to create a fan page in facebook

All people who use facebook are familiar with fan pages. Which ask you to become a fan of some thing, like some website, some person, celebrity, product, institute or location etc. And we get invitations for that too, where our friends ask us to become fan of their pages! How to create a Facebook fan […]

How to remove tabs on facebook wall (links along with wall, info, photos, etc)

If you are using facebook for some time and are fond of using applications and giving them permission to be on your facebook wall etc, you might have noticed that they get placed at various places on your facebook wall. Some of them on the main wall page, some on the side bar, boxes, info […]

facebook authentication error – you are not permitted to do that

Scenario: I was wandering around facebook today and while doing random stuff i saw this error on facebook saying: Authentication Failure You are not permitted to do that. Well i got this loss of permission and error of authentication failure by facebook in this situation: I was logged into facebook with my email id. I […]

How to change / add your profile display picture in facebook

Some times i am asked “how do i change the facebook profile picture / display picture?”. So well this article explains how to add or change your profile picture on the display on facebook.If you are going to add the picture for the first time on display for your profile on facebok, or you are […]

Facebook clone(s) [Well atleast some what!]

Note: The site is probably dead and the links to it aren’t working now!  While surfing through the net today, i came accross a few sites which were clone of some popular social networking sites like facebook, orkut, myspace etc. Well one of them , called Well, as you can see that the site […]

How to change your Youtube profile picture

This tutorial explains how to change your youtube profile picture that is shown on your profile main page and with your videos. The profile picture of youtube is sort of avatar for your profile and identity. If you want to change your youtube profile picture, which is displayed as the display picture(dp) on your youtube […]