How to See all online friends on new facebook chat

Facebook constantly keeps on updating its social networking script in an attempt to improve it and make the user experience much better. However, sometimes people find some update in the system irritating. And instead of getting help, they get lost due to it.

Same thing happened when Facebook recently updated the facebook chat system. The new facebook chat shows friends list to the right side bar. This list includes not only the online friends but also the offline ones. Online friends have a green dot next to their names. However, not all online friends are shown by default. Which makes it difficult to see which people are online and which aren’t.

This post explains how to see all online friends on new facebook chat.

How to See all online friends on new Facebook Chat

1. Facebook Popout Chat

Best option is to popout Facebook Chat window. There you can not only chat easily with a bigger window but also will be able to see only your online friends, all of them.

To popout facebook chat window click on this link: Facebook popout Chat (facebook don’t provide this link in chat anymore)

 2. More Online Friends

In the right sidebar list of friends on new facebook chat, you can click on “more online friends” which will show the rest of online friends below that line. That way you can see all online friends on new facebook chat.

There are couple other tricks too which I might be sharing here on other posts but for now these are the best ones which serve well!

Hopefully now you can see all online friends on new facebook chat.


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